Marketing Audits & Reviews

You’re frustrated! Your marketing is not delivering the results you want or need. That’s the time to call me in to review where things might be able to be improved. 

I have been working with firms of all sizes across the UK to help review and audit all their marketing activity.

My clients appreciate a fresh perspective on their marketing and knowing how to make an impact in the future.


What steps are involved in a marketing audit?

Agreeing on what the audit will cover: We will discuss the scope and depth of the audit – what are your concerns and goals? This will give you an audit that works for you. I want to get a sense of where you are in your marketing journey, what you do want and what you don’t.

In-depth research: I will then begin my research process by asking questions, and digging into your metrics and results of campaigns. This will involve access to your website, analytics, email system and social media too.

Your report: I’ll produce a written marketing audit report of my findings, thoughts and insight. Once submitted and you have been able to review it we will set up a call to discuss the audit in more depth.

Next steps: We can then discuss the next steps to implement your marketing audit recommendations. Whether you need my help or not. I want to help my clients to successfully implement the recommendations and get the most out of their return on investment. 

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Let's talk and see if I can help you. Simply complete the form below and I'll be in touch to set up a convenient date and time for a call. 

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